10 Popular Outdoor hanging plants for beginners

Introduction to hanging plants; type of plants





String of Pearls


Arrowhead plant


Moss Rose

Spider Plant

Conclsion: how to grow and care hanging plants

Bonus: 10 more indoor hanging plants


Can I put my Monstera outside in summer?

No, you should not put your Monstera outside in summer. Monstera plants need warm, humid air to thrive, and direct sunlight can scorch their leaves. Instead, put your Monstera in a bright, sunny spot with indirect light, making sure the sun never directly hits the leaves. During the summer, keep your Monstera's soil damp and mist it occasionally to keep the leaves hydrated. At nighttime, keep the temperature around 16 - 21°C (60 - 70°F). You can definitely take your Monstera outdoors for short periods of time, just make sure to bring it back in if it starts to get too hot.

Should Peonies be staked to prevent damage?

Yes, it is a good idea to stake peonies to prevent damages. Peonies are naturally tall and floppy flowers and as such, can easily be damaged by strong winds and heavy rain. Staking is a great way to keep tall peonies from sprawling or falling over which could damage the stems or flowers. When staking your peony, use tall, sturdy stakes that support the main stem of the plant. You can use metal or bamboo stakes, but be sure to avoid stakes with sharp edges or points as those could damage the plant or injure those tending the garden. Utilizing a supporting structure for your peony will help it to look its best.

Can peace lily plants bloom indoors?

Yes, Peace Lily plants are well suited to indoor conditions and they do bloom indoors. The Peace Lily plant is easy to care for, and a small Peace Lily in a pot will typically bloom one to two times per year. The Peace Lily flower is white and smells slightly sweet, making it a nice addition to any home. Keep in mind that the Peace Lily requires a lot of humidity, so it may be necessary to mist it occasionally and place near a humidifier.

Is Boxwood a popular landscape plant?

Yes, Boxwood is a popular landscape plant, due to its versatility in design, hardiness in cold temperatures, attractive foliage and its ability to be pruned into a variety of shapes. It makes an attractive year-round hedge, foundation plant or edging and, if left unpruned, can be grown as a small tree or shrub. Boxwoods can be planted either in the sun or partial shade and are a great addition to gardens of any size.

Could Boxwoods be used as a hedge plant?

Yes, boxwoods can be used as a hedge plant. They are low-maintenance, evergreen shrubs that can be trimmed to create uniform hedges or shaped into topiary. Boxwoods are also resistant to disease and can tolerate both full sun and partial shade. They are ideal for small to medium hedges and make an attractive backdrop for annual and perennial flowers.

Should Marigolds be planted in full sun?

Yes, marigolds should be planted in full sun. These colorful plants thrive in direct sunlight and can be grown in cooler climates. They require 6 to 8 hours of full sun to ensure optimal blooming and a vibrant flower show. While Marigolds are considered a heat-loving annual and can handle some drought, they will require more water in full sun than they would in a shadier environment. Most soil types and conditions can support marigolds as long as they are planted in full sun.

Should Aloe Vera be watered frequently?

Yes, Aloe Vera should be watered frequently. Aloe Vera plants prefer soil that is slightly dry and should receive regular watering whenever the top 1-2 inches (2.5-5 cm) of soil become dry. Water the plant thoroughly until water drains from the bottom of the pot. Allow the plant's soil to dry out before watering it again. Overwatering can be harmful, so it is important to make sure not to water your Aloe Vera too often. Additionally, it’s beneficial to mist the Aloe Vera's leaves with water during hot, dry periods.

Do Aloe Vera plants need a lot of sunlight?

Aloe vera plants require a moderate amount of direct sunlight. Depending on the variety, many species of aloe vera can thrive in either a sunny spot or partial shade. When it comes to sunlight, you don't want to overdo it! Exposing these plants to too much direct sunlight can damage their leaves. Ideally, these plants should receive 4-6 hours of bright, indirect sunlight.

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