Species shaving-brush tree Guide

shaving-brush tree

Pseudobombax ellipticum


Perennial. Pseudobombax ellipticum is a perennial plant species, meaning it lives for more than two years.



Hardiness Zone:

9 - 12


Pink or white Flowers


full sun



Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:




Care Level:



The shaving-brush tree typically requires regular watering to maintain its health and robust growth. Water the tree deeply every 5-7 days during its active growing season (April through October). Soak the soil for 1-2 hours each time to ensure the entire root zone is saturated. Cut back on watering over winter, when the tree isn't actively growing, to just once per month.


The shaving-brush tree (Pseudobombax ellipticum) needs at least 7 to 8 hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight every day to thrive. This plant species does best when planted in a location where it can receive consistent exposure to full sunlight throughout the day. It is also recommended that the tree is given adequate and regular amounts of shade during extreme high temperatures. Planting in a location near a wall or building can help protect the tree from strong winds and provide some shade during the heat of the day.


The shaving-brush tree (Pseudobombax ellipticum) should be pruned once a year during the beginning of the winter when the tree is in its dormant state. This will help to encourage new growth as well as shaping the tree to the desired size and shape. Pruning should be done moderately and not too much, especially for younger trees. Remove only dead, twiggy or diseased branches, and leave the more healthy ones in order to maintain the overall health of the tree. Depending on the desired size of the tree, pruning can range from a light trim to hard trim, but should not exceed 25-30% of the overall foliage mass.

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