Species speedwell Guide


Veronica 'Blue Reflection'


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Layering Propagation,Cutting,Seed Propagation,Root Cutting

Hardiness Zone:

4 - 7


Blue Flowers


Full sun

Growth Rate:




Salt Tolerant:



Speedwell should be watered every 5-7 days. When watering, it is important to ensure that the soil is damp but not soggy. An easy way to gauge the amount of water needed is to use the finger test. Insert your finger into the soil up to the second knuckle, if the soil is dry, then give a thorough watering ensuring that some water runs through the drainage holes of the container. If the soil feels moist and cool to the touch, then hold back on watering for a few more days. Too much watering can cause root rot and other issues.


Speedwell (Veronica 'Blue Reflection') thrives best in full sun and needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily. It can tolerate some midday shade but does best in areas that receive sun in the morning and afternoon. The plant may become leggy and lanky if not given enough light, so it is important to ensure that it receives the light it needs.


Pruning of Veronica ‘Blue Reflection’ should take place after the plant has finished flowering and during the mid-late summer or early autumn months. Pruning should consist of cutting off any dead, diseased, or damaged stems and branches. In order to keep the plant from growing too large, it is important to prune the top third of the stem length every year. Doing so remedies any stem crowding and allows for new shoots to form at the base of the plant. It also helps to promote more blooms the following year. Prune lightly, taking only 1/4 inch of blue flower tips off the plant. This will promote new growth and branching, resulting in a bushier growth habit and more flower production.