Species maiden pink Guide
a pink-purple flower with purple filaments and anthers

maiden pink

Dianthus deltoides 'Zing Salmon'


Herbaceous Perennial



Hardiness Zone:

3 - 8


Salmon red Flowers


Full sun



Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:



Maiden Pink plants prefer moist, well-draining soil. During the growing season usually from spring to fall, water thoroughly when the soil feels dry to the touch, about 1-2 inches down. It is best to water in the morning so the plant has time to dry out before nightfall, as wet foliage can cause disease. During the winter months when the plant is dormant, reduce watering significantly, allowing the soil to dry out in between waterings.


Maiden pink (Dianthus deltoides 'Zing Salmon') should receive 4 to 6 hours of sunlight per day for optimal growth. Depending on where you live, the best time to get the most amount of sunlight is between 10am and 6pm. It is important to make sure the area where the maiden pink is planted receives enough sunshine so that it can thrive and bloom in the summer and early spring months.


Maiden pink (Dianthus deltoides 'Zing Salmon') can be pruned in early spring or late summer. Depending on the desired size and shape, the plant can be trimmed back by approximately 1-third. To shape the bush and promote branching, individual stems can be cut just above healthy side shoots from the base of the stem. To manage the size and shape, prune all the stems back to the desired level. This evergreen perennial should be cut regularly as it blooms on the ends of the stems and spending will not be as vigorous with less pruning.

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