Species fairy bells Guide
green flowers with white-green foliage and brown stems and branches

fairy bells

Disporum sessile 'Variegatum'


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Layering Propagation,Seed Propagation,Cutting

Hardiness Zone:

4 - 8


White Flowers In Spring


Part shade,full shade



Growth Rate:





Fairy bells should be watered once or twice a week in order to ensure that the soil stays moist. Water deeply, allowing the water to penetrate several inches down into the soil. Avoid over-watering, as this can cause root rot and other issues. During hot summer months, it may be necessary to water more often. Apply water directly to the soil, avoiding wetting the leaves to prevent fungal diseases.


Fairy bells (Disporum sessile 'Variegatum') are an evergreen plant species that prefer indirect sunlight. The ideal amount of sunlight for this species is 4 to 6 hours a day. Morning sunlight works best for this species of plant, and it should be limited in the afternoon to avoid getting too hot and drying out the soil. For best growth, the plant should be placed in bright, but indirect sunlight, such as light that is filtered through curtains or trees. Too much direct sunlight can cause the plant to become scorched, so it is important to monitor it to ensure it is receiving the right amount of sunlight.


Fairy bells (Disporum sessile 'Variegatum') should be pruned in early spring, just as growth begins, to create shape and keep the plant from becoming leggy. Start by pruning any dead or diseased branches that may have developed over the winter. Next, trim back branches that are growing too tall and overcrowding the center of the plant. Make sure to shape the plant in its desired shape and cut back branches evenly. Finally, trim off any excess plants that are not needed. Pruning fairy bells once a year should be sufficient to keep the plant looking good all season.