Geranium albanum 'Pink and Stripes'
Herbaceous Perennial
Hardiness Zone:
5 - 8
Pink with dark pink veining Flowers
Full sun
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
Water your Geranium albanum 'Pink and Stripes' regularly, but do not over-water. Watering once a week in the summer and every 10-14 days during the winter is ideal. Keep the soil evenly moist, but not soggy. Check the soil by poking your finger 1 inch into the soil, if the soil is dry at this depth, go ahead and water the plant. Avoid splashing water onto the leaves of the plant, moisten the soil around the stem of the plant.
Geranium albanum 'Pink and Stripes' is a particular species of plant that benefits from full sun exposure for at least 5 to 6 hours a day. Direct sunlight should be provided during morning hours before noon, allowing the soil to dry and the leaves to receive the light. The plant can also tolerate some part-shade with indirect sunlight throughout the day. During the heat of summer, it is best to protect this species of geranium by providing light shade in the afternoon or early evening.
Geranium (Geranium albanum 'Pink and Stripes') should be pruned in the late winter (February or March). Pruning should be moderate, cutting the plant back by about 1-third of its original size. This will promote healthy growth and flowering for the spring and summer. Additionally, it is important to remove any faded flowers, as they will not regrow, this should be done on a regular basis.
Do Geraniums bloom all year round?
No, geraniums do not bloom all year round. They tend to be more of a seasonal plant; typically blooming in the warmer spring and summer months before dying off in the cooler fall and winter. Depending on what type of geranium you have, they may or may not survive the winter months. If they do survive, they may not have any blooms until the next spring.
Can geraniums be propagated by seeds?
Yes, geraniums can be propagated by seeds. Geraniums have small, hard seeds that need to be stratified (cold-treated) in order to germinate. To do this, the seeds should be soaked in warm water for at least 24 hours before being placed in the refrigerator for 10 days. After this, they can be rinsed and sowed in germinating medium or seed starting mix. Depending on the variety and the temperatures, geranium seeds can take between 2 to 6 weeks to germinate.
Could geraniums grow in hydroponics?
Yes, geraniums are a great plant to grow with hydroponics. Geraniums need plenty of air to breathe and adequate water and nutrients, which can all be provided in a hydroponic system. Since they require well-drained soil, they would benefit from the aeration and moist environment of a hydroponic setup. Moreover, as they prefer warm temperatures, they would likely thrive under the warmth of hydroponic lights. To make sure they are adequately fertilized, you should use a hydroponic fertilizer that is specifically designed for geraniums.
Should geraniums be placed in a windy location?
No, geraniums should not be placed in a windy location. Windy locations can cause the delicate leaves of a geranium to dry out, leading to discoloration, drying and yellowing of leaves. Additionally, the wind can cause the fragile stems to snap, leading to weakened and unhealthy plants. To avoid this, geraniums should be planted in an area sheltered from strong winds and gusts, where they can get some air flow but not be exposed to strong, destructive winds.
Is the geranium annual or a perennial?
The geranium is both an annual and a perennial, depending on the type. Annual geraniums last one year and die after flowering. Perennial geraniums are more cold hardy and can survive for more than one growing season. Perennial geraniums need to be divided and replanted every few years to keep them healthy.
Can geraniums survive in cold temperatures?
No, geraniums are not able to survive in cold temperatures and are generally sensitive to cold weather. In fact, they typically start to die off below 40°F and any temperatures below 32°F can be fatal. If temperatures dip too low, it is important to move geraniums indoors to protect them from the cold.
Can geraniums be grown indoors?
Yes, geraniums can be grown indoors. They are a very popular and easy to maintain houseplant. They prefer bright but indirect light, so a south-facing window is best, but away from direct sunlight. They need well-draining, moist soil and should be watered once or twice a week, taking care not to overwater. Geraniums can be propagated easily by taking cuttings, and they will reward your care with a great display of vibrant blooms.
Should geraniums be grown in plastic or clay pots?
Geraniums should be grown in clay pots or ceramic pots. Clay pots provide better drainage for the plant and help to keep the soil aerated, which is important for geraniums. Plastic pots tend to retain more moisture, which can cause root rot in geraniums and cause them to die. Plastic pots can also get very hot in the summer, causing the plant to get too much sun exposure and become damaged. Because of this, it's safest to grow geraniums in a clay or ceramic pot.