Species avens Guide
orange flower with prominent orange stamens and green stem


Geum coccineum 'Cooky'


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Cutting,Seed Propagation,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 7


Orange with orange-yellow stamens Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Avens (Geum coccineum 'Cooky') should be watered once a week, providing 1 inch of water during each session. When it comes to watering, it is best to provide the geum with a deep root drenching rather than light sprinkles. The root system is relatively shallow and needs access to water for long-term growth. Make sure to water the plant in the morning so that it has plenty of time to dry out before nightfall. You should not water late in the day due to the increased chance of creating disease and fungal problems. It is also a good idea to water the plant at its base rather than the leaves.


Avens (Geum coccineum 'Cooky') is a plant species that prefers full sun, or at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight per day. The best time to provide sunlight for this plant species is between 10 in the morning and 4 in the afternoon, when the sunlight is strongest and the ultraviolet (UV) radiation is highest. However, during the hottest part of the day (noon), it is important to provide partial shade to give the plant a break from the direct sunlight. It can also help to limit the amount of sun exposure in summer months when temperatures can reach extremely high levels. Additionally, during the winter months when days are shorter and climate is chillier, Avens (Geum coccineum 'Cooky') typically needs 4-5 hours of direct sunlight for optimum growth.


Avens (Geum coccineum 'Cooky') should be pruned in early spring, just after the danger of frost has passed. Pruning should be done to keep the plant at a manageable size and to encourage new growth and flowers. For best results, prune the stems back to about 4-6 inches above the ground, cutting off the stems at slight angles. If shaping an Avens, prune to just above the leaf joint, and if cutting back an established Avens, prune back to within 2 leaf joints of the ground. Do not prune more than 1 third of the plant at any 1 time as it can shock the plant and cause it to stop flowering. Deadheading spent flowers throughout the growing season will keep the plant blooming longer and keep it looking attractive.