Species witch hazel Guide
Red flower with black center, black bud and black center.

witch hazel

Hamamelis intermedia 'Agnes'






Layering Propagation,Cutting,Grafting Propagation,Division,Seed Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 8


Red-maroon petals Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Witch hazel prefers moist soil, so it is important to water regularly. Water when the soil feels dry to about 1 or 1.5 inches deep. During the summer, you may need to water as often as every week or 2, while during the cooler months, less frequent watering is usually sufficient. When temperatures are above 85°F, it's especially important to ensure that your plant does not dry out. In general, drench the soil deeply each time that you water. Allow the excess water to drain away and never leave the plant standing in water.


Witch hazel (Hamamelis intermedia 'Agnes') grows best with plenty of sunshine and should receive at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight every day during the growing season when it is not shaded by buildings or trees. When planted in a sunny spot it will be healthier and produce more flowers. In spring and summer, sunlight for this plant species should begin early in the morning to allow for a full day of sun. In late summer and early fall, it can tolerate more afternoon sun. During winter, when the plant is not actively growing, it can tolerate some afternoon shade to protect it from excessive sun.


Witch Hazel (Hamamelis intermedia 'Agnes') should be pruned in late winter or early spring. This plant grows and produces multiple stems and needs to be pruned to ensure a dense and more attractive vase-shaped form. When pruning, the long shoots along the trunk should be removed, keeping the ones near the base of the trunk. Any crossed branches should be cut off before they become too overgrown. Also, try to keep the overall size of the plant by removing the tallest and oldest stems, and shortening any remaining branches. Lastly, remove any dead wood or damaged stems to keep the plant healthy and productive. With this species, pruning too heavily should be avoided.