Species witch hazel Guide
cream to yellow flowers with narrow, needle-like, long petals

witch hazel

Hamamelis intermedia 'Doerak'






Layering Propagation,Cutting,Grafting Propagation,Division,Seed Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 8


Yellow petals Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Care Level:



Witch hazel (Hamamelis intermedia 'Doerak') grows best when the soil is consistently moist, but not overly wet. In general, this means watering it once a week, providing about 1 inch of water each time you water. During periods of extreme heat, the plant may need to be watered more often (every other day or even once a day). When planting, thoroughly water the plant until water runs out of the bottom of the pot. In the winter, you can cut back on watering as the plant may not need as much.


Witch hazel (Hamamelis intermedia 'Doerak') grows best in part sun to full sun. It prefers light morning sun and dappled afternoon shade or filtered sun throughout the day. This plant species thrives in slightly acidic to slightly alkaline soil, and will do well even in clay soils if they are moist and well-drained. It will perform best with 5 to 6 hours of direct sunlight per day, and can tolerate up to 8 hours in the right conditions. It is important to be aware that too much direct sunlight may cause the leaves to scorch and discolor, so some shade to protect from the intense afternoon sun is beneficial.


Witch hazel (Hamamelis intermedia 'Doerak') should be pruned once a year in the early spring, before blooming. Prune to remove dead, diseased, damaged, or crossing branches, as well as any branches that extend outward or upward and are not adding to the desired shape of the plant. Reduce long, unruly branches to shorter, more manageable ones. Make cuts just above a leaf node or 2 nodes above a bud facing away from the center of the plant. After pruning, remove excess debris from the area to promote healthy air circulation around the plants.