Species hellebore Guide
Magenta flower with lime center, white stamen, white stigma, magenta-white style, green leaves and lime-yellow stems.


Helleborus hybridus (Lady Mix)


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Cutting,Seed Propagation,Grafting Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

4 - 9


White to red to purple Flowers


Part shade,full shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Hellebore (Helleborus hybridus (Lady Mix)) should be watered moderately, about once a week. Water the soil around the base of the plant until the top 2 inches of soil are moist. A watering can with a light, fine rain-like shower is preferred, instead of a hose or a sprinkler, which can disturb the soil around the roots. Allow the soil to dry before watering again. When watering, it is important not to wet the leaves, as this could lead to fungal diseases. During the winter months and during colder climates, water the plant less, about once every 10 days, ensuring that the soil is not completely dried out.


Hellebore plants prefer bright, indirect sunlight for most of the day, with some direct sun in early morning or late afternoon. In direct sunlight, Hellebores will do best with 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight per day. If your plants do not have full sun, try to provide them with as much sun as possible throughout the day. In the winter months, when the days are shorter and the nights longer, the amount of sunlight the hellebores need will be reduced. In this case, an east-facing window might suffice. Overall, hellebores should remain in bright, indirect sunlight for most of the day, and 4 to 6 hours of direct sunlight in the morning or afternoon would be ideal.


Hellebore (Helleborus hybridus (Lady Mix)) can usually be pruned anytime between late winter and early spring (February-April). During this period, it is best to prune the hellebore to an inch above ground level, cutting away any old foliage and stems. This will help encourage new and more vibrant growth during the coming growing season. It is important to note that hellebores benefit from being selectively cut rather than completely pruned away, as it will promote bushy new growth from the center of the plant in its place. Always use sharp, sterilized pruners or scissors for a clean, safe cut.