Species hosta Guide
Green leaves with yellow midrib and blades.


Hosta 'Arc de Triomphe'


Herbaceous Perennial





Hardiness Zone:

3 - 8


Lavender Flowers


Part shade,full shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:





Hosta 'Arc de Triomphe' is an attractive perennial with chartreuse coloured foliage. This shade-loving species prefers its soil to be consistently damp, but drainage must be adequate to avoid root rotting. In the summer months, it should be watered about once to twice a week. During periods of hotter and dryer weather, it may require a little extra, so pay close attention to the soil moisture. In the colder months, watering can be reduced to every 2 weeks or when the soil starts to feel dry. It is important to always check the moisture level before watering and, if necessary, make sure it is watered deeply. Applying water directly to the soil, not the foliage, is also important.


Hosta 'Arc de Triomphe' plants prefer moderate amounts of direct sunlight each day to maintain their best health and performance. They can tolerate both bright, indirect light and partial sun environments. As a general rule, a minimum of 4 hours of sun per day is recommended for this variety of hostas; however, the amount of light may vary for different climates and regions. In cooler climates, they can tolerate up to 6 hours of direct sunlight per day; whereas in warmer climates, just 3 to 4 hours of direct sunlight is ideal. It’s also important to allow the plants some indirect light and shade during times when the sun is particularly intense, such as in the middle of the day. Overall, hostas thrive in environments with filtered sunlight or partial shade.


Hosta (Hosta 'Arc de Triomphe') should be pruned in the early spring, just before new growth begins. Pruning should be relatively light, with the main goal being to remove any dead or damaged foliage. Cut off any parts that are brown, shriveled or decaying. Additionally, remove any pieces that are smaller than the surrounding leaves. It may also be helpful to thin out crowded or large patches of leaves or remove any flower stalks. According to the Royal Horticultural Society, Hostas are best pruned when soil temperatures reach 10°C (50°F).