Species hosta Guide


Hosta 'Cody'


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Tissue Culture,Seed Propagation,Offsets,Grafting Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

3 - 8


Dark lavender Flowers


Part shade,full shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:





Watering Hosta 'Cody' doesn't have to be complex. It prefers moist soil but doesn't like consistently wet roots, so water your hosta deeply each week when the soil is already beginning to dry out. You can use a soil moisture sensor or simply check the soil with your finger to determine when the soil is drying out. Usually, the more heat and sunlight the hosta receives, the more often it will need to be watered. Watering in the early morning is best so that any remaining moisture has time to evaporate off the leaves before night. During the hottest days of summer, you may need to water twice a week. In the cooler months, you can reduce your watering frequency to around once a month. If you notice the leaves of your Hosta 'Cody' wilting then it might need more frequent watering.


Hosta 'Cody' is a shade-loving plant that thrives best with bright indirect sunlight. Generally, placing Hosta ‘Cody’ in the garden where it can receive 3-4 hours of sunlight per day is optimal. During the peak summer months, direct sunlight should be avoided for this plant species. Hosta ‘Cody’ is best protected from midday and afternoon sun. This provides the direct sunlight the hosta needs while avoiding the damaging effects of the hot summer sun.


Hosta 'Cody' should be pruned once a year, typically in late spring or early summer, once the same season's growth has fully emerged. This will help to encourage strong growth and discourage fungal disease. Begin by cutting off any dead or diseased foliage with sharp, clean pruning shears. Once that has been done, the remaining foliage can be trimmed back by 1/3 to 1/2, removing any large or overgrown leaves. Doing this also encourages a more compact, attractive growth habit. After pruning, it's important to fertilize the plant with a balanced fertilizer to encourage new and healthy growth.