Species hosta Guide


Hosta 'Purple Lady Finger'


Herbaceous Perennial





Hardiness Zone:

3 - 8


Purple Flowers


Part shade,full shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



You should water your Hosta 'Purple Lady Finger' every 2 to 3 days, making sure that the soil is moist but not soggy. You should water until there is a slight runoff, then allow the top 2 to 3 inches of soil to dry out slightly before re-watering. During the warmer summer months, you may need to water more often to keep your plant healthy. Additionally, make sure you water in the morning hours to give your plant the daytime to dry off.


Hosta 'Purple Lady Finger' requires partial shade to full shade. When in full shade, the plant should have approximately 4-6 hours of dappled or indirect sunlight per day. When in partial shade, it should have about 3-4 hours of direct sunlight per day, ideally in the morning or late afternoon. When in full sun, the plant should not receive more than 2-3 hours of direct sunlight each day. It is important to monitor the amount of sunlight to ensure the plant is not being exposed to too much or too little, as too much sun can burn the leaves and too little can cause the plant to become spindly or weak.


Hosta 'Purple Lady Finger' should be pruned every year in early spring, just after the last frost. Prune lightly, removing any broken or damaged foliage and cutting back foliage that is tall and scraggly to keep the plant neat and tidy. Be careful not to cut back too severely, as this will remove the food-storing leaves and could weaken the plant. During summer, you may opt to pinch any long stems or nearby foliage that is crowding the newly emerging plantlets. This will allow new growth to stretch up and will help create a bushy growth habit. If the hosta is dividing and spreading, you can tidy up by removing any fractured pieces and dividing the larger clumps of foliage into smaller pieces. Generally speaking, prune the foliage of Hosta 'Purple Lady Finger' lightly to keep overall size to desired dimensions.