Species hosta Guide


Hosta 'Slick Willie'


Herbaceous Perennial





Hardiness Zone:

3 - 8


Pale lavender Flowers


Part shade,full shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Hosta 'Slick Willie' prefers moist soil that is kept evenly moist, so regular watering is necessary. During the spring and summer months, water your hosta deeply about once a week or when the top inch of soil begins to dry out. During these months, you may need to water more frequently if your area experiences high temperatures or lack of rainfall. In the winter months, water requirements are reduced. Check the soil periodically and water thoroughly when it becomes dry. Make sure to water the plant at the soil level instead of the leaves to avoid foliar diseases.


Hosta 'Slick Willie' prefers full to partial sun, meaning it needs at least 4 to 6 hours of sunlight per day. Morning or filtered afternoon light is the best way to ensure that the plant receives enough sunlight without getting too hot. It tolerates some shade, but too much shade will cause the foliage to lose its glossy green color and become overly droopy. Hosta 'Slick Willie' should be planted in an area that provides plenty of indirect sunlight, especially early in the day.


Pruning Hosta 'Slick Willie' is an important part of its care. As a general rule of thumb, hosta should be pruned between late fall and late winter (November to February) when the plant is dormant. To prune, gently cut off any dead foliage that has become tattered, brown and drooping. This will help the plant to concentrate its energy into the healthy new leaves and root systems and improve the overall aesthetics of the plant. Pruning should also be done to keep the hosta in a more compact shape, meaning the plants should not be allowed to spread out too much. For larger hosta plants, it is recommended to split the plant in the spring or early summer to prevent overcrowding and ensure continuous growth. And finally, remember that hosta thrive in bright, well-lit areas, so be sure to avoid pruning in areas with heavy shade from nearby trees or structures.