Species blue holly Guide
Red fruit with maroon stem, green leaves,  brown buds, yellow blades, yellow midrib and veins.

blue holly

Ilex meserveae BLUE PRINCESS





Hardiness Zone:

4 - 7


White Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Salt Tolerant:



Blue holly (Ilex meserveae BLUE PRINCESS) should be watered thoroughly once per week. During the summer months, it is important to water every 4-5 days to keep the soil moist to ensure the optimal growth. During the winter, water the blue holly only when the soil is dry to the touch. Make sure the soil is allowed to drain well after watering, as this shrub does not do well in wet, soggy soil. Overwatering can lead to root rot and other issues.


Blue holly, also known as Ilex meserveae Blue Princess, is a slow-growing shrub native to the United Kingdom. It requires full sun in order to thrive and has a preference for well-drained soil. Blue holly needs at least 6 hours of sunlight a day in order to sustain growth, with optimal sun exposure being 8 or more hours per day. This plant is fairly shade tolerant, but flowering is unlikely if it does not receive enough sunlight. During the summer months, Blue holly enjoys the longest days filled with sunlight.


Blue holly should be pruned once a year, in the early spring before the new growth emerges. Pruning should be sporadic and judicious, removing only a few branches at a time, and only the oldest and most overgrown branches. This helps to maintain the shrub's compact form and encourages denser foliage. It is important not to cut too much; Blue holly can tolerate regular pruning, but too much will cause damage and can stunt the plant's growth.

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