Species hardy impatiens Guide
orange flowers, lobed, green, lanceolate leaves with deep red midribs, and red-green stems

hardy impatiens

Impatiens omeiana


Herbaceous Perennial




Seed Propagation,Cutting,Division

Hardiness Zone:

6 - 9


Yellow Flowers


Part shade,full shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Hardy impatiens (Impatiens omeiana) will require regular watering in well-draining soil. When watered regularly, they can survive in both sunny and shady areas. Water your hardy impatiens once weekly, or once every 2 weeks during particularly dry weather. When watering your hardy impatiens, make sure to water them deeply enough that they are receiving about 1 inch of water. This will ensure that their roots are being adequately watered. Additionally, allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings. During hotter months, water more frequently, to ensure the soil remains moist. When in doubt, check the soil with your finger to check for moisture levels.


Hardy Impatiens (Impatiens omeiana) are an appealing garden plant that require at least 6 hours of direct sunlight daily for optimal growth and flowering. The sunlight should be spread out evenly throughout the day. They will tolerate some light shade, but if the hours of direct sun are too few or the sun intensity is too low, the plants will not have good flowering and may become spindly. Hardy Impatiens will fare best when planted in a location that receives partial or full morning sun and midday or afternoon shade. Skip midday, extremely hot sun, as the plant will not be able to tolerate it.


Hardy Impatiens (Impatiens omeiana) should be pruned once a year, in the spring, before new growth appears. Pruning should be done lightly; just trim off the dead, damaged, or diseased portions of each stem. Avoid pruning stems that have flower buds, as this will reduce flowering and overall bloom potential. Pruning also stimulates the plant to produce new and vigorous growth.