Species Siberian iris Guide
White flowers, with yellow center, green-white bud, green petiole , green stems and leaves.

Siberian iris

Iris 'Fourfold White'


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Cormlet Propagation,Seed Propagation,Cutting

Hardiness Zone:

3 - 8


White with yellow at base of falls Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Care Level:



Water Siberian iris (Iris 'Fourfold White') twice a week, approximately 1 to 2 inches of water per visit. Watering in the morning is best, as it allows the foliage time to dry before nightfall. Avoid overwatering and water only when the top inch or 2 of soil is dry. Soak the soil regularly, and pay attention to drainage during and after flooding, as the waiting period should never exceed 1 hour. Provide additional water during hot, dry periods and make sure the soil does not dry out.


The Siberian iris (Iris 'Fourfold White') thrives in full sun, meaning it needs at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day in order to grow and bloom. It should be planted in a location that gets morning sun and some afternoon shade. In areas of hot summers, it is best to plant it in a spot that gets light shade during the hottest hours of the day (typically from about noon to 4pm). In colder parts of the country, more sun is preferable as it provides some additional heat on chillier days.


Siberian iris (Iris 'Fourfold White') should be pruned back after blooming, usually no later than 2 to 3 weeks after it has stopped flowering. Pruning should be done annually, and it involves cutting off dead flower heads, as well as any foliage that is damaged or dead. To keep plants looking tidy and in good health, take out any stems that are crossing over others or are starting to look weak. Also, remove any shoots that may be growing away from the center of the plant to help promote air circulation. Pruning should be done gently and carefully and should be done in a way that maintains the shape of the plant.