Species tall bearded reblooming iris Guide

tall bearded reblooming iris

Iris 'October'


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Cormlet Propagation,Seed Propagation,Offsets,Rhizome Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

3 - 10


Bronze-yellow Flowers In Spring


Full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



For Watering tall bearded reblooming iris, water deeply about once a week when it is warm and dry. Newly planted iris should be watered more frequently to keep the soil moist. During the summer months, water a little more often if the weather is very warm and dry. During the autumn and winter months, the iris should not need to be watered at all, as the ground will remain moist due to normal rainfall.


The tall bearded reblooming iris, Iris 'October', requires full sun for optimal bloom and growth. For best results, this plant should be receiving at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day in the spring and summer months. Partial or dappled shade during the heat of the day can be beneficial in hotter climates. During the fall and winter months, the plant should receive several hours of direct sun each day when possible, and partial shade should be provided during the winter months. Once the cold weather sets in, the plant should be partially shaded.


Tall bearded reblooming iris (Iris 'October') should be pruned in late spring, usually around the same time that flowers have finished blooming. To prune, leave at least 4 leaves on each fan, and trim flower stalks just above the point where they emerge from the leaf fan. Trimming too low will cut into the crown of the plant and can damage it. Immediately after pruning, fertilize the plants to encourage healthy root development. Remove any dead, diseased, or damaged foliage or stems throughout the growing season, as well as any foliage that has started to yellow. This will help the plant remain healthy and promote blooming.