Species tall bearded iris Guide
lavender-creamy-white petals, yellow stamen, green stem, and green leaves

tall bearded iris

Iris 'Wild West Wind'


Herbaceous Perennial



Hardiness Zone:

3 - 10


Tan standards with gold falls Flowers


Full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Care Level:



Tall bearded iris (Iris 'Wild West Wind') should be watered deeply to keep the soil moist but not soggy. Watering should be done on a weekly basis in order to provide an adequate amount of moisture. On average, 1-2 inches of water should be given per week to ensure a healthy root system and promote lovely blooms. During periods of dry and/or hot spells, it may require more frequent watering to keep the soil from becoming parched. Water your plants in the morning to help them get the most from the limited sunlight of the day.


Tall bearded iris (Iris 'Wild West Wind') grows best with full sun for at least 6 hours per day. Sunlight helps the plant to bloom and produce more flowers. Planting the iris in a spot that receives early morning or late afternoon sun is ideal to avoid exposing the plant to the midday sun's intense heat. If planting in a location that has only partial sun, supplemental light can be provided with artificial lighting.


For the tall bearded iris (Iris 'Wild West Wind'), pruning should take place after blooming in midsummer. Cut back the flower stems close to the base, removing all seed pods. Also, remove any dead or damaged foliage from the plant. Prune out any side growth from the center of the plant to improve air circulation. Finally, cut the foliage back to 12 - 18 inches to keep the plant healthy and beautiful. Pruning this plant should be done yearly to maintain the best bloom for the following season.

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