Species purple shrimp plant Guide
slender spikes of purple flowers with variegated long-elliptical white-green leaves

purple shrimp plant

Justicia scheidweileri


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Cutting,Seed Propagation,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

10 - 11


Reddish-purple Flowers


Part shade,full shade

Growth Rate:




Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



For best growth, the Purple Shrimp Plant should be watered lightly and regularly. During its active growth period (winter and spring), water the plant every 7-10 days. During the other seasons (summer and fall) cut back to every 3-4 weeks, paired with a specialized fertilization routine. Soil should be kept somewhat moist, but not soggy. Over-watering can quickly cause root rot, so always let the soil surface dry out a bit between waterings.


Purple shrimp plant (Justicia scheidweileri) is an evergreen shrub that requires plenty of sun for optimal growth. It does best in full sun for at least 4-6 hours a day, although it can tolerate some light shade. Morning sun is best, and it should be protected from the hot afternoon sun. In warmer climates, some afternoon shade is appreciated. If grown indoors, it should be placed in a bright spot, in direct sunlight for at least 4 hours with some shade in the afternoon. Purple shrimp plant is also tolerant of drought and salt spray, but it will need some regular supplemental watering to stay healthy and vigorous.


The Purple Shrimp Plant (Justicia scheidweileri) should be pruned regularly throughout its flowering season - from early spring until late fall. For best results, prune your plants back by about 2-thirds its size in early spring and then again in late fall. This will encourage more compact growth and more blooms throughout the year. Pruning also helps to remove dead flowers and encourage new growth. When pruning, make sure to cut the stems cleanly just above the next lower branch node. This will ensure that the pruned area will heal quickly.