Species lettuce Guide
daisy-like, lavender-blue flowers with prominent, light-blue stamens, violet-green buds, smooth, green stems, and violet-green sepals


Lactuca floridana






Seed Propagation,Cutting,Division,Layering Propagation,Grafting Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


Pale blue Flowers


Part shade,full shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



If you are growing lettuce in a pot, you should water it 1 to 2 times per week, enough to keep the potting mix damp but not soaked. If you prefer to water your lettuce daily, do so lightly immediately after the top layer of the potting soil feels dry. During the warmer months, you may need to water your lettuce more often – sometimes even twice a day. In general, lettuce needs about 1-2 inches of water a week, either from rainfall or irrigation. Be sure to count rainy days toward this total! Lettuce does not like overly-wet soils, so be sure you allow this shallow-rooted plant to dry out somewhat between waterings. If the soil is constantly wet for too long, your lettuce will rot.


Lettuce (Lactuca floridana) generally requires 4-6 hours of full sun per day to thrive and produce its best yields. It is also important to note that lettuce prefers cooler climates, and full sun exposure during the hottest parts of the day should be avoided as it can cause the plants to bolt (flower and produce bitter-tasting leaves). In addition, lettuce does best when temperatures remain below 80°F (27°C). It is also important to note that during the summer months, lettuce should be planted in an area that receives some afternoon shade to protect from the strong sun and possible wilting.


Pruning lettuce is an important part of maintaining a healthy plant. Lettuce (Lactuca floridana) should be pruned 2 to 3 times throughout the season. Pruning will keep the lettuce from becoming overgrown, and will encourage a thicker, healthier head of lettuce. The first pruning should take place when the lettuce has 4-5 leaves and the head is about 1 inch in diameter. Prune off the top couple of leaves to encourage the lettuce head to grow bigger and thicker. The second pruning should take place when the lettuce has 8-10 leaves and the head reaches 2-3 inches in diameter. Prune off the top 3-4 leaves to maintain the size of the head and prevent the plant from flowering. The third pruning should take place when the lettuce head has grown to its desired size and all the leaves have grown fully. Prune off the top 5-6 leaves to keep the head in shape and prevent bolting. Allow the remaining leaves to continue growing, harvesting the lettuce when each leaf is full grown. Pruning lettuce helps to keep the plant healthy and productive, and is an important part of the growing process. Take care not to over-prune the lettuce, as it can stunt the growth and reduce the yield of usable heads.


Should lettuce be harvested early in the morning?

Yes, lettuce should be harvested early in the morning. Harvesting lettuce in the early morning decreases the rate at which the plants lose moisture, resulting in a fresher and crisper head of lettuce. Plus, early morning harvesting helps to avoid the harsh sun of mid-day and the high temperature that can cause lettuce to become wilted or discolored. Therefore, harvesting early in the morning ensures a better quality and longer lasting head of lettuce.

Could lettuce be grown indoors?

Yes, lettuce can be grown indoors. An indoor lettuce garden is a great option for those who have limited outdoor space, are living in a climate that doesn't provide ideal growing conditions, or have inadequate sunlight. Indoor lettuce gardens do best in a sunny spot that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. Since lettuce prefers cool temperatures, you can set up indoor lettuce gardens in unheated rooms or even in a spare refrigerator. Use a soil-less medium such as a hydroponic system or a sterile potting soil to ensure that pests and disease don't harm your indoor garden. You can also use grow lights to supplement natural light. Both a mild fertilizer and regular waterings are necessary to ensure that your lettuce plants remain healthy and grow to their full potential.

Should lettuce be planted in rows or clusters?

Lettuce should be planted in rows. Planting in rows ensures that plants are spaced properly, are free from disease, and are easy to access, allowing the gardener to water, prune, and harvest with ease. Planting in clusters would increase the risk of overcrowding, leading to poor air circulation and an increased risk of disease. Additionally, clustering would make it harder to access individual plants.

Should lettuce be planted in the spring or fall?

It depends on the type of lettuce being grown and the climate of the location in which it is planted. In general, most types of lettuce are best planted in the spring when the soil is sufficiently warm, as lettuce prefers temperatures between 45-80°F. Fall can also be a good time to plant lettuce, particularly in areas with moderate winters. Certain types of lettuce, such as winter lettuce, can even be planted in late summer and survive light frosts.

Should lettuce be grown in a greenhouse or outdoors?

The answer to this question depends on where the lettuce is being grown, what type of lettuce and the climate of the area. Generally, lettuce grows best in cool climates which can be provided by a greenhouse or outdoors. In colder climates, lettuce may be better grown in a greenhouse where temperature and humidity can be controlled more easily. In warmer climates where the temperature can fluctuate more, growing outdoors may be a better option. Ultimately, it is up to the grower to decide which option works best for their situation.

Do lettuce plants require a lot of mulch?

Yes, lettuce plants require a lot of mulch. It helps to keep the soil moist, and the lettuce plants cool, since they are heat sensitive. Mulching also helps to reduce weeds, and keep the soil aerated. It would be a good idea to use a 2-3 inch layer of organic mulch, like shredded bark or leaves, to protect the soil and the lettuce plants.