Species flowering crabapple Guide
White-magenta flower with lime center, beige stigma and anthers off-white style and fliaments , green leaves and stems.

flowering crabapple

Malus 'Beverly'





Hardiness Zone:

4 - 8


White Flowers In Spring


Full sun


red Fruits Ready In Fall



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:






Care Level:



Watering Frequency: Weekly or as needed Amount: 1-2 inches per week This flowering crabapple should be watered once a week or as needed to keep the soil evenly moist. Do not allow the soil to dry completely between waterings. Water deeply, applying 1-2 inches of water to the soil each time you water. If the soil is lightly moist, you don't have to water. When watering, it is best to apply water directly to the soil and not to the leaves or flowers.


Flowering crabapple (Malus 'Beverly') plants grow best in full sun, which means they should receive 6 or more hours of direct sunlight per day. Full sun exposure allows crabapples to properly photosynthesize and reach their full potential for blooming. Early morning sunlight is best, as it aids in drying the leaves from the morning dew. Late afternoon or evening sun can create unfavorable conditions if the leaves have become wet due to evening showers. Additionally, the leaves may scorch in direct afternoon or late evening sunlight. Taking these factors into consideration, crabapples receive the best balance of sun and shade if they are planted in an area that receives sun during the morning hours and is lightly shaded during the afternoon hours.


Pruning should be done on flowering crabapple (Malus 'Beverly') at least once a year. Pruning should take place in the spring or late winter, before growth begins. This will help the crabapple stay healthy and reduce the chances of infection or disease. It will also help to maintain the shape of the tree and keep it uniform. When pruning, focus on removing dead, weak, or crossed branches, and thinning narrow crotches. Also, be sure to leave enough leaves and branches towards the center of the tree to ensure it has proper airflow. Doing this will promote vigorous and attractive growth and plenty of flowers in the spring.

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