Species axilflower Guide
bright-yellow, funnel-like flowers with green sepals, green leaves, and green stems




Herbaceous Perennial



Hardiness Zone:

9 - 11


Yellow Flowers


Full sun

Growth Rate:




Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



When it comes to watering axilflowers (Mecardonia 'USMECA67' GOLDFLAKE), it's best to water them moderately and evenly throughout the growing season. They prefer to be watered every 1 - 2 weeks, but also appreciate occasional deep saturation sessions to ensure that the soil is moist at least 1 inch below the surface. When watering, make sure to avoid leaving standing water for more than a few minutes, as this can cause root rot or other problems. Furthermore, if the weather has been especially hot, axilflowers should receive more frequent watering, since they may be especially prone to drying out in the heat.


Axilflower (Mecardonia 'USMECA67' GOLDFLAKE) thrives in full sun or partial shade. For optimum growth, this plant species requires at least 5-6 hours of direct sunlight per day. Direct sunlight should be in the morning for approximately 3 hours and in the late afternoon for about 3 hours. Indirect sunlight can provide the same benefits as direct sunlight throughout the day. During hot summer months, light shade can be beneficial to help the plant cool off and relax.


Axilflower (Mecardonia 'USMECA67' GOLDFLAKE) requires pruning during the winter months, when it is dormant, in order to keep the plant looking full and healthy. Prune the old flowers off the plant in autumn. This will encourage further flowering in spring and summer. In late winter, use sharp, sterile shears to cut the entire plant back by 1 third. Make sure to make all cuts at an angle to encourage new growth and remove any diseased, dead, or damaged stems. Prune lightly during the growing season as needed to neaten or reduce size.

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