Species paper-rose Guide
pink flowers with olive leaves and brown stems


Mussaenda (group)





Hardiness Zone:

9 - 11


Red or yellow with white, red or pink sepals Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Paper-rose plants require consistent moisture throughout the growing season. The soil should be kept damp at all times without being completely water-logged. For optimal growth, plan to water your paper-rose plant every 1 to 2 days for the duration of the growing season. During the winter months, when the plant is in its dormant phase, water less often, but ensure that the soil never completely dries out. Aim for approximately twice a month, or whenever the soil feels about halfway dry.


Paper-rose plants thrive in full sunlight for 6 to 8 hours per day in regions with a warm climate. They should be placed in a position that receives direct sunlight during the early morning and late afternoon. Paper-rose plants should be placed so that their foliage receives only indirect light during the middle of the day in order to reduce the risk of leaf burn or fungal diseases. In cooler climates, the plants can also tolerate some shade throughout the day. They should never be placed in complete shade. When it comes to indoor plants, Mussaenda (group) can be placed near a sunny window, but the sun should never be allowed to scorch the leaves. A sheer curtain can provide a protective layer from the direct sunlight and keep the leaves healthy.


Paper-rose (Mussaenda (group)) plants should be pruned to keep their size from getting too large. Pruning should begin when the plant is young, and should continue annually as needed. The best time to prune these plants is in late winter before the new growth emerges. Pruning should be done selectively, removing dead, diseased, or weak branches, and cutting back long or unruly stems. Take care not to remove more than 1-third of the foliage on any given branch. Pruning will help promote new growth and strength, and ensure your plant stays healthy and compact in size.

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