Species nemesia Guide
Magenta-white flower with magenta buds, green stem.


Nemesia (group)






Seed Propagation,Cutting,Division,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

2 - 11


Most colors except green Flowers


Full sun,part shade

Growth Rate:




Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



When watering Nemesia (group) plants, it's important to not drown the roots, so irrigation should be moderate yet frequent. The soil should never be overly soggy or completely dry. Every 3-5 days, lightly water the plant until moisture is visible in the soil, but be sure to avoid thoroughly drenching the soil. The amount of water will depend on the light and heat conditions; in hot temperatures, the plant may need more frequent watering. It's always best to feel the soil and adjust as needed. Additionally, humidity levels should be monitored, as too much humidity will lead to root rot.


Nemesia (group) is a genus of flowering plants from the family Scrophulariaceae. It thrives in full sun to partial shade, and requires about 6 hours of sunlight every day. It grows best in temperatures above 40 degrees Fahrenheit (4C), and prefers areas with little wind and good air circulation. Nemesia should be planted in moist, well-drained soil in order to avoid root rot. During the early spring it should be placed in the sunniest spot available in order to get the most out of its limited time in sunlight. As the days get longer, the position of the plant should be placed in spots that receive several hours of sunshine each day. During the hottest days of summer, the plant should be moved to a location that receives indirect or partial sun, as too much direct sunlight can cause it to wilt or its foliage to become scalded. Nemesia should also be sheltered from strong winds, as this can damage its foliage and cause premature flowering.


Pruning Nemesia (group) plants should be done twice a year. In the spring, prune to encourage more shoots and blooms. Cut back any new growth to about half its size. After flowering in mid-late summer, cut back the stems to encourage a bushy shape. Remove any dead or dying flowers, and remove any weak stems or those that cross over each other. Pruning at these times will ensure that your Nemesia (group) is full of blooms throughout the growing season.