Species false garlic Guide
White flowers with yellow center, off-white stigma, lime ovary  and stems, with yellow-brown buds

false garlic

Nothoscordum bivalve






Seed Propagation,Bulb Propagation,Offsets

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 9


White with yellow tinged bases Flowers


Full sun,part shade

Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:



False garlic should be watered on a regular basis. It is best to water once a week, providing enough water so that the soil is completely moist but not soggy. During hot weather, you may need to water more frequently, as much as every other day or so. During the cold winter months, watering can be reduced to once a month, or even less. In addition, it is important to provide the false garlic with adequate drainage, as they will not tolerate being waterlogged. To do so, make sure the soil is well aerated and the pot has drainage holes at the base.


False garlic grows best in full sun, meaning 8 to 10 hours of direct sunlight each day. This species is native to warm regions with long hours of daylight, such as the southeastern United States. During the summer months, the sun may stay up for up to 14 hours, providing the perfect amount of light for this plant species. During the winter, however, the daylight hours are much shorter, and the false garlic may benefit from supplemental lighting, such as a lamp or grow light, to help it stay healthy.


False garlic should be pruned twice a year, in late summer and early spring. The goal of pruning is to reduce crowding and create air circulation and light penetration. Cut off the top 1-third of the plant to encourage new growth and increase air circulation. Take out any weak, dead, or diseased stems, and reduce overcrowded stems, allowing more air and light to reach the inner parts of the plant. Prune any flowering shoots that have finished blooming in order to encourage further growth.