Species tree peony Guide
 multi-layered, purple flower with violet central tints and yellow anthers

tree peony

Paeonia delavayi var. lutea 'Hesperus'





Hardiness Zone:

4 - 8


Rose-pink with yellow (single) Flowers In Spring


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Tree Peonies should be watered deeply once a week during the spring and summer months. During the fall, water should be reduced to once every 2 weeks. In the winter, there should be no water until growth begins again in the spring. The soil should be kept consistently moist during the growing season. The soil should also be allowed to dry out slightly between waterings.


Tree peonies (Paeonia delavayi var. lutea 'Hesperus') need at least 6 hours of direct, unfiltered sunlight every day for optimum growth and flowering. They do best in full sun, which means they should receive direct sunlight for the entire day for best results. However, tree peonies can tolerate some shade and can toleratepartial shade during the hottest parts of the day, such as mid-afternoon.


Tree peonies should be pruned in late winter or early spring. Start pruning when the plant is at least 3 years old and the stems are at least 1 inch in diameter. Prune up to 1/3 of the oldest branches close to the base of the tree. Remove any dead, diseased, or weak stems, as well as branches that rub together. Also, remove any branches that are growing in an awkward way that is hindering the shrub's overall look. Finally, prune away any suckers at the base of the plant in order to promote an overall healthier and bushier growth form.

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