Species Russian sage Guide
 small, purple-blue flowers with silver-white stem

Russian sage

Perovskia 'Filigran'


Herbaceous Perennial




Cutting,Division,Layering Propagation,Seed Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 9


Light blue Flowers


Full sun



Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Care Level:



Russian Sage should be watered frequently when first planted and until established. New plants should be watered deeply at least once weekly, and more during hot or dry periods. Once the plant is established, it requires a moderate amount of water. During summers it should be watered every few weeks, provided an inch or more of rainfall hasn’t fallen. During cooler months, water less frequently to the point the soil is just barely damp. Too much water over long periods of time can lead to root rot.


Russian sage (Perovskia 'Filigran') thrives in full sun, 6 or more hours per day. If planted in areas that receive less than full sun, the plant will produce fewer blooms and may not look as lush and vibrant. It will tolerate some shade, but should not be planted in heavily shaded areas. In climates with warm summer temperatures, some shade during the hottest part of the day is appreciated by the plants. It is important to note that radiation from the sun’s rays should still be the primary source of light for this species.


Russian Sage should be pruned in early spring, before new growth begins. Pruning should involve removing dead stems, as well as any that are too long or that have become unruly. Cut out stems from the base, close to the ground, and regularly remove the center stems in order to stimulate the growth of lateral branches and promote bushier growth. To promote continuous flowering, lightly prune Russian Sage after the first flush of flowers in late summer or early fall. Remove any faded or dead flower spikelets and trim the plant back by about a third to maintain a desirable shape and size.