Species petrorhagia Guide
small, white-pink flowers with white, long stamens, and dark-green stem


Petrorhagia saxifraga


Herbaceous Perennial



Hardiness Zone:

5 - 7


Pink Flowers


Full sun



Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Petrorhagia saxifraga is a low-growing plant species that requires very little water. When watering Petrorhagia saxifraga, it is best to keep the soil just barely moist and never saturated. Water the plant only when the soil starts to dry out, typically around once per week. During periods of excessive heat and drought, Petrorhagia saxifraga may require a little extra water, especially if planted in a pot or container. As a rule of thumb, water the plant when the top inch of soil is dry. Avoid overwatering, as this can lead to root rot and other problems.


Petrorhagia saxifraga, commonly known as saxifrage, thrives best in bright, indirect sunlight. It should have exposure to 4-6 hours of dappled sunlight per day, with the ideal amount of direct sun being an hour's worth in the morning and an hour's worth in the evening. Direct sun exposure during the middle of the day should be avoided. Additionally, the plant should be protected from strong winds.


Petrorhagia should be pruned twice a year, once in the late spring, before it begins to bloom, and again in late summer, after flowering is done. During pruning, clip off any dead growth and selectively cut back long shoots to create a more natural, full appearance. You can remove up to a third of the length of the stems during pruning as well as any crossed branches that are growing too close together. This care will ensure that the plant remains healthy and will encourage more blooming.

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