Species mock orange Guide
clusters of white flowers with yellow stamens, and green, shiny ovate leaves

mock orange

Philadelphus lemoinei 'Silver Showers'





Hardiness Zone:

5 - 8


White Flowers


Full sun,part shade



Growth Rate:





Mock Orange plants (Philadelphus lemoinei 'Silver Showers') should receive regular watering of a deep soaking once the top inch of soil has dried. Water when the first signs of wilting begin to appear which should not occur more than once every 2 weeks once the plant is established. Avoid overwatering, so if you are uncertain, wait another day and check before watering again. During hot, dry weather, you may need to water up to twice a week. In winter, water only when the soil is dry.


Mock orange (Philadelphus lemoinei 'Silver Showers') prefers a sunny location, with at least 6 hours of direct sunlight per day during the summer months. This will help the plant bloom and set the most blossoms. It is important to choose a spot that is shaded at least partially during the hottest part of the day, to prevent the leaves from burning. If the plant gets too much direct sunlight, the foliage may fade and the flowers will be smaller and less abundant.


Mock orange (Philadelphus lemoinei 'Silver Showers') requires little perennial pruning. Pruning should take place in late spring, just after flowering, when the plant growth begins to slow down. You can prune the American Mock Orange for both aesthetic reasons and to keep the bush-like growth habit. Pruning should involve removing all spent flowers and any dead or dry branches. Lightly prune the shrub so that you do not remove more than 1/3 of the total volume. This will help maintain the plant's shape and improve bloom size. Clean up around the base of the shrub, removing all dead and weak shoots. Pruning should always be gentle so as to not damage the branches.

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