Species rhododendron Guide
white flowers with white filaments, black anthers, lime buds, and dark-green leaves


Rhododendron 'Lisenne Rockefeller' SOUTHGATE DIVINE






Layering Propagation,Cutting,Grafting Propagation,Division,Tissue Culture

Hardiness Zone:

6 - 9


Light pink to white with red to purple flecks Flowers In Spring


Full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Rhododendron 'Lisenne Rockefeller' SOUTHGATE DIVINE requires consistent moisture in order to thrive. It should be watered weekly in the spring and summer, and every other week in the fall and winter. It is important to monitor the soil moisture and adjust the frequency and amount of watering according to the plants’ needs. An ideal schedule may be to water well every fourth day during hot summer days and less often during cooler weather. Allow the soil to dry out at least 1-2 inches deep between watering. Avoid over-watering as this can cause root rot and other diseases. In addition, apply a layer of mulch around the base of the plant to help retain moisture and deter weeds.


Rhododendron 'Lisenne Rockefeller' SOUTHGATE DIVINE appreciates morning sunlight but needs afternoon shade, as excess direct sunlight can burn the leaves. To ensure the best possible flower and foliage growth, provide your Rhododendron SOUTHGATE DIVINE a minimum of 6 hours of indirect sunlight in the morning and shade during the afternoon. Ideally, this could look like an east-facing window with 3-4 hours of indirect sunlight in the morning and shade from noon until 4 PM. Avoid planting this shrub in areas of full sun, which could cause an unhealthy amount of stress for the plant.


Rhododendron 'Lisenne Rockefeller' SOUTHGATE DIVINE should be pruned in the late winter or early spring season. Pruning should be done with careful precision as too much pruning can alter the shape of the shrub. After blooms have faded in the late spring or early summer, remove any dead, damaged or diseased branches. Once blooming has finished, remove spent blooms, keeping just a few to turn into seed pods. You may also lightly prune the exterior of the plant, ensuring to only cut off the tips of the branches to maintain the original shape of the plant. When removing any branches, prune near the swelling buds found at the base of the stems. Be mindful when pruning any branches shorter than 12 inches as buds will most likely not form in the following season.