Species banksian rose Guide

banksian rose

Rosa banksiae var. banksiae






Layering Propagation,Cutting,Grafting Propagation,Division,Seed Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

8 - 10


White double flowers Flowers In Spring


Full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:



The Banksian rose should be watered every 7 to 10 days, depending on the weather. If the soil feels dry to the touch 1 inch beneath the surface, ensure that you give it an adequate amount of water. Make sure that you saturate the whole root ball with water. After watering, ensure that the soil is not soggy for a long period of time as the plant can become waterlogged and this may lead to root rot. The Banksian rose prefers moist soil as opposed to wet, so make sure that excess water is drained off.


Banksian roses thrive best in areas where they receive full sun for at least 5-6 hours per day. If possible, they should be exposed to direct sunlight from morning sun until mid-afternoon, ideally with some shade in the afternoon. During the peak of the summer months, they can and should be shaded to protect them from intense sun exposure. Too little light is just as dangerous as too much light as the plant may become leggy and the flowers may not reach their full potential.


Banksian rose (Rosa banksiae var. banksiae) should be pruned several times a season. Pruning regulates size and enhances flowering of this climbing type of rose. After the rose bush has finished blooming in early summer, the oldest, woodiest canes should be cut back to promote healthy new growth. Expend most of the pruning efforts on the oldest, most woody canes as these will produce fewer blossoms than new ones due to their age. Additionally, prune away any canes that appear overcrowded or unruly to shape and tidy up the plant according to desired aesthetics. Light pruning can also be done after the main pruning session to maintain the size or shape of the bush. Pruning approaches should be consistent and avoid overly aggressive removal. Banksian rose should not be pruned in late fall or winter as this will reduce flowering.