floribunda rose
Hardiness Zone:
5 - 9
Red Flowers
Full sun
Growth Rate:
Care Level:
Floribunda roses require a consistent amount of water for optimal growth. To water your floribunda rose, make sure to get the soil wet down to at least a depth of 6 inches. When watering, you should water the plant slowly and gradually so the water can soak in well. You should water the plant in the morning to help reduce water loss caused by evaporation. Water as needed, typically about once to twice a week, depending on the weather and soil conditions. During the heat of the summer, it may be necessary to water your floribunda rose more often. In the fall and winter months, the soil may dry out more slowly and therefore require less frequent watering.
Floribunda rose (Rosa Europaea) plants require at least 6 hours of full sunlight every day. They prefer to be in a location that receives full sun all day, but partial sunlight during the morning and evening hours will suffice. In the summer months, Floribunda roses will benefit from extra hours of light, such as during peak sun hours. Avoid locations that are exposed to direct afternoon sun, as the intense rays of the sun for more than 6 hours can dry out the soil and harm the plant. In regions with cooler climates, Floribunda roses may require full sun for up to 8 hours to promote healthy growth.
Floribunda roses (Rosa EUROPEANA) should have light pruning in late winter before bud break and deadheading throughout the season. Pruning in late winter should involve removing any dead or diseased canes, as well as any canes that are crossed or rubbing against each other. The idea is to create an open-centered plant with some central branching. When deadheading, remove spent flowers and the first 4 to 6 leaflets below the flower. This will encourage a rebloom and encourage better air circulation around the plant. If more drastic pruning is necessary, wait until early spring before flower buds have formed and prune back the canes about 1-third of their length. When finished pruning your rose bush should have an open vase-like center and outward-facing buds.