Species Aztec lily Guide
red flower with red filaments, yellow anthers, and brown stem

Aztec lily

Sprekelia formosissima






Division,Seed Propagation,Offsets,Bulbils,Grafting Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

8 - 11


Red Flowers


Full sun



Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:



Aztec lilies should be watered once a week during the growing season- from spring to early fall. During this time, the soil should be kept moist at all times, not soggy but moist. The best way to do this is to soak the ground thoroughly and then allow it to dry out slightly before re-watering. During the winter months of late fall to early spring, the plant shouldbe watered less frequently-about every 2 weeks- as the growth rate during this time is slower. To keep soil damp in the winter, during light frost, use thicker mulch around the plant to retain some moisture.


Aztec lilies generally prefer to get full sun all day, as this provides enough light for the plants to flower and develop. In areas with intense summer heat, it may be beneficial to provide some shade in the afternoon. It is best to give the plants 1-2 hours of sunlight in the morning and late afternoon or early evening to help protect them from the harsh rays of the sun. During the winter months, these lilies will do well with 6-8 hours of sunlight each day.


Aztec lily should be pruned once a year, usually in early spring before the plant begins to bloom. Pruning helps to increase flowering and give the plant a better shape. Start by removing any dead, damaged, or overgrown stems. Then prune back the remaining stems to promote increased flowering. Prune to a desired shape and remove any flower stalks that have already flowered to encourage new flowers. Be sure to use sharp, clean pruning shears and make sure to leave at least 2 to 3 nodes (the points where the leaf emerges from the stem). This will ensure that the plant has the energy to continue blooming for many years.