Species verbascum Guide


Verbascum 'Jackie'


Herbaceous Perennial




Division,Cutting,Seed Propagation,Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

5 - 8


Pale peach-pink to yellowish Flowers


Full sun



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Verbascum 'Jackie' should be watered regularly and deeply to ensure that the soil remains evenly moist. During the growing season, water about every 2 weeks, aiming for the soil to have at least a few centimeters of moisture. Water the base of the plant deeply near the crown. Avoid getting the foliage wet and avoid wetting the soil surface. During the winter months, water the 'Jackie' sparingly, allowing the soil to dry out more in between waterings. If possible, use rainwater or collected rainwater instead of city tap water when watering your 'Jackie'.


Verbascum 'Jackie' plants thrive in full sun, so they should be placed in an area that receives at least 6 hours of direct sunlight each day. If possible, however, they should receive 8 hours of sunlight each day for optimal growth and flowering. Summer sun is best for this plant species; however, morning sunlight is preferable to intense afternoon heat. When direct sunlight is too intense, Verbascum 'Jackie' are tolerant of light or dappled shade. On hot summer days, they appreciate light shade to stay cool. During winter, plants in cooler climates may need to move to a sunnier spot for as much sunlight as possible.


Verbascum 'Jackie' should be pruned back hard twice a year – once in late winter/early spring and again in late summer. Pruning late winter/early spring is important as it allows the plant to emerge from dormancy looking vibrant. Immediately after pruning, apply a layer of compost, followed by a generous layer of mulch. When pruning in late winter/early spring, remove all shoots and stems that linger from the previous season. Also remove any dead or damaged foliage, leaving the healthy foliage intact. Removing the dead and damaged foliage will help reduce the risk of disease. In late summer, prune off the spent flower stalks and remove any new foliage that is not completely healthy in appearance. Be sure to maintain the overall shape of the plant when pruning. If the Verbascum gets too top heavy or over-crowded, it can be thinned out to encourage more healthy growth. Overall, timely pruning is important for the health of Verbascum 'Jackie'. Pruning twice a year can keep the shrub looking full and vibrant, which will help ensure a healthy plant.