Species Koreanspice viburnum Guide

Koreanspice viburnum

Viburnum carlesii 'Aurora'






Cutting,Layering Propagation,Grafting Propagation,Division,Seed Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

4 - 7


White Flowers


Full sun,part shade


blue,black Fruits Ready In Fall



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Drought Tolerant:


Care Level:



Koreanspice viburnum (Viburnum carlesii 'Aurora') should be watered approximately once or twice a week. Water thoroughly so that the entire root zone is saturated, and provide enough water so that it runs out of the bottom of the pot. Make sure to evenly distribute the water around the root ball, and avoid wetting the foliage of the plant. Watering in the early morning is the most effective, as this allows plants to absorb the moisture before any potential evaporation from the sun and wind. Avoid over-watering; sense the soil moisture with your fingertip and only water when the top 2 inches of soil is dry.


Koreanspice viburnum (Viburnum carlesii 'Aurora') should be provided with at least 6 hours of sunlight each day to thrive. The best times for optimal growth would be from late morning until late afternoon, roughly between 10am and 4pm. It's important to ensure that these shrubs are planted in a spot which has direct sunlight, as they need it in order to produce flowers and, most importantly, to ripen their berries. An area with partial shade or even morning sun would do, but the viburnum should still receive at least 6 hours of bright sunlight each day, with exposure to the sun throughout the day being beneficial.


Korean Spice Viburnum, (Viburnum carlesii 'Aurora'), is a deciduous shrub that produces fragrant, pink-budded white flowers in late spring.For optimal flowering and growth, pruning of this shrub is needed. Dark green, glossy foliage brightens up the garden in the summer months, with pink-tinted fruits appearing in early fall. Pruning should be done in late winter or early spring before growth begins. Removing spent flowers will help to keep the shrub looking neat. If you need to prune back the canes, try to take off no more than 1/3 to keep the plant from becoming overstressed. Prune out dead wood any time of year, as it can spread disease. Cut back any stems that look weak or rub against other branches. Korean Spice Viburnum is a medium-sized plant that can reach heights of 6-8 feet. Pruning is essential to maintain this size. Lightly trimming all branches in late winter or early spring will encourage denser and more uniform growth. Always use sharp, sterilized pruning tools to avoid damaging the plant and increase your chances of a clean cut.