Species weigela Guide


Weigela florida 'Brigela' FRENCH LACE






Greenwood Cuttings

Hardiness Zone:

4 - 8


Rose pink Flowers In Spring


Full sun, Part sun/part shade




red Fruits In Summer Ready In Fall



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:




Care Level:



Weigela (Weigela florida 'Brigela' FRENCH LACE) should be watered deeply and consistently, supplying about 1-2 inches of water per week, during the growing season (Spring through Fall). Ensure soil is kept moist, but not damp or soggy. During warmer months, water once or twice a week, as needed. In cooler months, reduce to once every 2 weeks. During periods of extreme heat, water may be needed more frequently (up to 3 times per week). Pay close attention when the plant is young as they require more consistent watering. If the leaves appear wilted, water more frequently. When the soil is dry, drench the soil to ensure it is moistened deeply. Additionally, employing a layer of mulch can help the soil to retain moisture, while also helping to reduce water needs.


Weigela (Weigela florida 'Brigela' FRENCH LACE) is an upright deciduous shrub that blooms each spring with brilliant white trumpet-like flowers. Its foliage is a deep green with a yellowish undertone and its blooms attract butterflies and bees. This flowering shrub requires at least 6 hours of direct sunlight for optimal health and performance. If planted in an area with partial shade or full shade, it can still do well, but its flowering period may be shortened. For the best blooms that last all summer and into autumn, make sure to give it full, direct sunlight for up to 8 hours daily. If possible, place the plant in a spot where the sunlight will spread evenly over its entire foliage. Water the shrub with 1-2 inches of water per week and fertilize once a month with a balanced fertilizer. With the right amount of sun and proper care, you can enjoy its fragrant blooms for many years.


Weigela (Weigela florida 'Brigela' FRENCH LACE) should be pruned in early spring, before active growth begins. Pruning should be done to remove the previous season's woody growth and shape the plant, as well as to encourage the growth of more flowers and more branching. Dead branches should also be removed. Prune approximately 1/3 of the oldest branches, cutting back to the main stems to promote new growth. Do not be afraid to prune too heavily, as this species is very resilient and will come back with gusto! Avoid pruning in late fall as this can cause premature bud development, which will then be damaged by the cold winter weather.