Zea mays
Also Known As - cornCycle:
Hardiness Zone:
2 - 11
Showy, Yellow, Brown Flowers
Full sun
Humus rich, Well-drained
blue,red,yellow,purple,black,white Fruits In Summer Ready In Autumn
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Care Level:
Corn plants (Zea mays) require regular watering in order to grow and produce healthy ears of corn. The amount and timing of watering will depend on the variety of corn you are growing, the weather conditions, and the soil type and drainage. Generally, corn plants need about 1 to 1 1/2 inches of water per week to ensure adequate moisture for the plant's growth. This should be divided into 1 to 2 waterings per week, depending on the weather conditions. During hot, dry periods, water more frequently to keep the soil wet to a depth of 8 to 10 inches. Make sure to not overwater, as this can drown the roots and cause nutrient deficiencies. Lastly, to prevent disease and ensure successful pollination, water the corn plants early in the day, so that the leaves have time to dry off before nightfall.
Typically, corn needs about 8 hours of direct sunlight each day to grow and thrive. When planting corn, it is best to choose a location that provides full sun throughout the day, or at least from mid-morning to late afternoon. Areas with morning sun and afternoon shade are also suitable. Additionally, corn prefers soil temperatures between 65 and 85°F (18-30°C), so it is important to start planting once the temperature has warmed up enough. During the summer months, corn needs to be watered regularly to prevent the plants from drying out. In general, corn needs about an inch of water per week throughout its growth cycle.
Corn (Zea mays) should be pruned in the winter or early spring before the plants start to grow again. It is best to wait until the leaves are completely dry before pruning any of the branches. It is not necessary to prune much or often from young corn plants, as they naturally have a fairly open structure that allows light to penetrate. Older corn plants, however, may need to be pruned more heavily in order to increase air flow and light penetration, especially during times of high humidity. Prune off any overly large or woody branches in order to prevent overcrowding and promote the health of the overall plant. Remove any weak or dead branches, as well as any branches that cross over each other. Pruning should generally be done in early spring before the corn starts to grow, but afterwards, the process can be repeated periodically if necessary.
Do corn plants need to be repotted?
Yes, corn plants need to be repotted. Like all other plants, over time corn plants grow and become root-bound. As a result, they can outgrow their current pot or become crowded and lack essential nutrients, air and water in the soil. To give them the best chance to thrive, corn plants need to be repotted every year or two to a pot that is slightly larger than the previous pot and contains fresh, nutrient-rich potting soil. Be sure to water your corn plant thoroughly after repotting to help it establish itself in the new pot.
Is the corn plant a good choice for beginners?
The corn plant is a great choice for beginner gardeners! It is a low-maintenance and easy-to-care-for plant that thrives in warm temperatures, bright indirect light, and average humidity levels. Its attractive, arching foliage and slow growth rate make it an ideal choice for any home or office. The corn plant does best in soil that is kept evenly moist. It is tolerant of shorter droughts, but will benefit from an occasional deep watering. Be sure to keep the soil well-drained. With some basic care and attention, your corn plant will bring a touch of the outdoors indoors for many years to come!
Do corn plants attract insects?
Yes, corn plants do attract insects, especially those in the order Lepidoptera (moths and butterflies). Many species of Lepidoptera feed on the pollen and nectar of corn plants, and these plants can serve as an important food source for other beneficial insects such as lacewings, hover flies, and ladybugs. Additionally, parasitoid wasps, which feed on the corn plants' attacking pests, use corn as a host plant to lay their eggs on.
Can you propagate corn plants by using cuttings?
No, it is not possible to propagate corn plants by using cuttings. Corn propagation is achieved through seed saving. The parent plants reproduce through cross pollination to form new seeds. Planting these new seeds yields new generations of corn plants, which themselves eventually produce new seeds and continue the cycle of propagation. Without seeds, it is not possible to propagate corn plants.
Do corn plants prefer a humid environment?
Yes, corn plants tend to prefer a humid environment. Corn plants require high levels of humidity in order to grow, so it is best to keep the soil moist and the air damp. It’s also important to provide plenty of air circulation to prevent mold and mildew from forming on your corn plants while also keeping the temperature relatively warm. Corn plants thrive in warm, humid environments, so be sure to keep an eye on the humidity levels in your home during the growth period.
Can corn plants be used for landscaping purposes?
Yes, corn plants can be used for landscaping purposes. Corn plants are relatively easy to grow and maintain, and the colorful husks they produce can create an eye-catching display. Corn plants should be planted in full sun or partial shade and kept well-hydrated. When harvested, the husks of corn plants can be used for various landscaping accents, while the stalks and leaves can also be used in large arrangements. Corn plants also have the ability to add texture and color to any landscape.
Is it possible to grow corn plants in hanging baskets?
Yes, it is possible to grow corn plants in hanging baskets. This is a great way to have the plant in a small space and the ears of corn will hang nicely from the side of the container. Hanging baskets provide quick drainage so you'll need to water frequently, and make sure the soil is light and nutrient-rich. The basket must be quite deep to accommodate the roots of the corn plants. The basket should also provide enough space between the pots for air circulation to help the corn dry out after watering.
Can you grow corn plants from seeds?
Yes, you can grow corn plants from seeds. Corn is an easy plant to grow from seeds, and in most climates you can be successful with a single planting. Corn plants prefer full sun and well-draining soil enriched with compost. Plant the seeds directly into the soil in the early spring after the last frost. Plant the seeds in rows about three inches apart and cover them with about an inch of soil. After the young plants emerge, thin them out to a spacing of about 12 inches between plants. Keep the soil moist throughout the growing season and fertilize the plants regularly. With proper care, you can expect your corn plants to be ready for harvest about two months after planting.