Species hybrid spurge Guide

hybrid spurge

Euphorbia hybrid cvs.






Stem Propagation,Root Cutting,Division,Grafting Propagation,Air Layering Propagation

Hardiness Zone:



Showy, Green-yellow, Green, Dark-red, Yellow, (dark red nectar glands) Flowers In Spring


Full sun, Part sun/part shade


Fruits Ready In Fall

Growth Rate:


Poisonous To Pets:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:



Hybrid spurge (Euphorbia hybrid cvs.) is a low-maintenance, drought-tolerant plant but it still needs watering to stay healthy. The best way to water this species is to apply water directly to the soil. Water in the morning or early afternoon, and be sure to moisten the soil completely. Avoid overwatering, as too much water can cause root rot and damage the plant. During summer or periods of high temperatures, give hybrid spurge additional water by thoroughly soaking the soil to a depth of 1-2 inches. Water only when the top layer of the soil is dry to the touch. In winter, decrease the water and moisten the soil only when it is almost dry.


Hybrid spurge (Euphorbia hybrid cvs.) is a great choice for any garden because it loves the sun. Typically hybrid spurge needs between 6-8 hours of direct sunlight each day. It should be planted in full sun and planted in well-drained soil to prevent root rot. Too much shade can cause it to become spindly and weak. Additionally, when planted in too much shade it will produce few flowers. While hybrid spurge may tolerate some light shade, it will not flower as well when planted in these conditions. For the best results, hybrid spurge should receive at least 6-8 hours of direct sun each day, preferably during the morning hours.


Hybrid Spurge should be pruned in the late spring after the last frost has passed. Depending on how quickly and vigorously the plants are growing, they may need to be pruned several times throughout the summer growing season. It is important to prune hybrid spurge lightly, no more than 1-third, in order to maintain their natural form and promote lateral branch development. Make sure to remove any dead or broken branches as soon as possible as well as any stems that have become too tall or too wide. Pruning is also beneficial for keeping the plant looking compact and tidy.