Species Sedge Guide
lime-brown spikelets with lime foliage and stems


Carex brevior x




Division,Cutting,Seed Propagation,Layering Propagation,Stolon,Rhizome Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:



Sedge (Carex brevior x) should be watered regularly and thoroughly to ensure healthy growth and development. Water the plant whenever the substrate begins to dry out; however, avoid allowing it to become completely dry. Depending on environmental factors such as sunlight and temperature, this could mean watering as often as every other day in summer months or once or twice a week in cooler months. To prevent overwatering, be sure to check the moisture level of the soil prior to watering and water with lukewarm, pH neutral water.


Sedge (Carex brevior x) is a species of grass often found in wetland areas. This plant prefers moderate to full sun, meaning it should be exposed to at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight each day for optimal growth. The plant may be able to survive in partial shade, but it may become leggy and pale in colour. The best time of day for the plant to receive sunlight is between the hours of 10:00 am and 3:00 pm. During these hours, the sun’s rays are strongest and the plant can capture the most energy from the sunlight. For best results, be sure to locate the plant in a spot that will receive consistent sunlight throughout the growing season.


For Sedges, pruning should take place in late spring or early summer to promote strong and healthy growth. The amount of pruning that needs to be done will depend on the look and size of the plant desired, as well as the variety of the sedge. It is important to note that heavy pruning can have negative consequences, so it is best to only prune selectively and lightly to shape the sedge. To reduce the size of a sedge, the top of the plant should be cut back slightly to maintain a uniform shape and size. Additionally, to rejuvenate the appearance of an established sedge, an overall pruning can take place including cutting out old canes and thinning out any overcrowded areas to promote new, lush growth.