Species Short-Leaved Sedge Guide
brown-black flowers with lime-brown stems and foliage

Short-Leaved Sedge

Carex fuliginosa



Hardiness Zone:




full sun,part shade


brown,black Fruits Ready In



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Short-Leaved Sedge (Carex fuliginosa) requires moderate watering; it should be watered deeply and thoroughly every 7-10 days depending on the season and your local weather conditions. Be sure to avoid over-watering or allowing the soil to become too soggy - keep the soil moist but not wet. During the warmer months, usually late spring to early fall, it's a good idea to check the soil weekly. If it feels dry to the touch an inch deep, it may be time to water your plant. Always use lukewarm water. In winter, Carex fuliginosa needs much less water, usually no more than once a month if the temperatures remain below freezing. Before you water, check the soil and if it's still damp, wait until it's dry before watering again.


Short-Leaved Sedge needs ample sunlight for optimal growth. During the spring and summer season, it is best for them to receive a minimum of 4-6 hours of direct sunlight daily. During the winter season, they should be given at least 2-4 hours of direct sunlight as this plant species does best in cooler temperatures. Full shade should be avoided as Short-Leaved Sedge will not thrive in it. Placing them in a spot with some partial shade may be beneficial, especially during the summer when the rays of the sun can be stronger.


Short-Leaved Sedge (Carex fuliginosa) should be pruned in late winter while it is still slightly dormant. Prune back old dead foliage to promote a healthy flush of new growth in the spring. This species is considered to be a low-maintenance plant, and so it does not require much pruning. Prune lightly to remove dead or fading leaves if necessary. Prune to shape if desired, or cut back overgrown plants to help keep them tidy. Avoid pruning too much, as it can damage the plant and reduce its vigor.

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