Species Lance-Fruited Single-Spike Sedge Guide

Lance-Fruited Single-Spike Sedge

Carex scirpoidea subsp. stenochlaena




Division,Seed Propagation,Cutting,Stolon

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade


brown,tan Fruits Ready In Fall



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Lance-Fruited Single-Spike Sedge (Carex scirpoidea subsp. stenochlaena) should be given 1 to 2 inches of water per week, which should be split into 2 separate waterings. Water in the mornings when the soil is dry. During periods of dry weather or heat, water more often. Watering should be done slowly allowing the water to be absorbed into the soil. Do not let the soil become overly wet or soggy.


The Lance-Fruited Single-Spike Sedge (Carex scirpoidea subsp. stenochlaena) is a plant species native to the temperate zones of Europe. It enjoys partial to full sun, with optimal light levels of about 4 to 8 hours per day. However, too much direct sunlight may cause the foliage to become scorched, so for optimal growth, this plant should be grown in a spot that receives direct sunlight for only part of the day. If grown in a shaded area, the Lance-Fruited Single-Spike Sedge may not be able to thrive and grow as successfully.


Pruning for Lance-Fruited Single-Spike Sedge should be done in late winter to early spring, just before the new growth appears. It is important to prune out any dead leaves or stems to help keep the plant healthy. When pruning, it is best to trim only about 1/3 of the existing foliage. This helps to maintain the shape of the plant while also encouraging the growth of new foliage. When using sharp tools, such as shears or scissors, it is important to be careful not to damage the stems or leaves. It is also recommended to disinfect the tools before and after each pruning session to avoid the spread of disease. Overall, pruning this plant does not take much effort - but the rewards are huge! Pruning will help the Lance-Fruited Single-Spike Sedge to look its best and help to produce new growth and fruit.