Species Short's Sedge Guide

Short's Sedge

Carex shortiana




Division,Seed Propagation,Cutting

Hardiness Zone:


Green/Brown Flowers In Spring


Sun, Partial Shade


Clay, Sand



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Drought Tolerant:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Short's Sedge should be watered about once a week or so, depending on individual circumstances. The soil should be kept evenly moist, but never soggy. If the plant is located in a pot, check the soil moisture level by feeling the top 1-2 inches of soil before you water; if the soil is still damp then wait a few more days before you water. For plants located in the garden, keep an eye on the leaves and if they appear wilted then it's time to give them a drink. Make sure to water deeply, letting the soil absorb the water and not just run off.


Short's Sedge requires direct sunlight for at least 4 to 6 hours per day in order to thrive. This plant species prefers partial to full shade, but even though it can tolerate more shade than full sun, its growth will be greatly inhibited. During the summer months, when days are longer and temperatures are higher, Short's Sedge may benefit from a few additional hours of morning or late afternoon sun. Early morning sun can help to remove any dew or humidity that may be on the leaves, allowing the plant to dry out faster. Additionally, short periods of direct sunlight can help to promote flowering. During the winter months, sun exposure should be kept to a minimum due to the plant’s cold-hardiness and its need to go dormant.


Short's Sedge (Carex shortiana) should be pruned in the spring or autumn seasons. Pruning should be done lightly to maintain the natural shape of the plant, and any dead, damaged, or crossed over stems should be removed. This will discourage disease and encourage the plant to put energy into producing strong basal shoots. Additionally, any stems that are too tall or leggy should be trimmed down to a more manageable height. Short's Sedge will keep a better shape when its foliage is kept neat and free of debris.