Species gardenia
white flower with yellow-orange center, orange stamens and olive leaves


Gardenia jasminoides 'Crown Jewel'

Gardenia jasminoides 'Crown Jewel' offers beauty both inside and out as its luscious, flame orange-yellow centre is complimented by a deep maroon-red exterior. This eye-catching evergreen perennial is ideal for garden beds, and is often used for hedges and borders. This multi-purpose plant produces clusters of amusingly fragrant, double white flowers that attract bees and other pollinators. In addition, the plant is known to be renowned growing in warm climates and is also popular as a houseplant when given the right environment. Over-fertilizing should be limited or avoided due to its demand for delicate balance. Overall, this 'Crown Jewel' of the Gardenia family is truly an amazing addition to any garden.






Stem Propagation

Hardiness Zone:

8 - 11


White/ivory Flowers In Spring


part sun/part shade,full sun


green,yellow Fruits Ready In Summer



Growth Rate:






Care Level:



Gardenia jasminoides 'Crown Jewel' should be watered when the top inch of soil is dry. Water deeply until it falls out of the drainage holes at the bottom of the pot, and allow the excess water to drain away. Do not water again until the top inch of soil is dry. Gardenias prefer moist but not soggy soil and over-watering can cause root rot. If possible, water in the morning with tepid water that has been allowed to sit overnight. About 1/2 gallon of water is usually sufficient for a 9-inch pot once a week.


Gardenia jasminoides 'Crown Jewel' is a flowering evergreen that requires full sunlight for at least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight each day, in the early morning or late afternoon, for healthy growth and blooms. Avoid planting in deeply shaded locations as plants thrive in an area with some direct morning or late afternoon sunlight. Avoiding hot afternoon sun can help keep the foliage healthy and prevent potential scorched leaves.


Gardenias are a beautiful addition to any garden, but they require regular pruning to keep them looking their best. Pruning should be done in early spring, before the active growth period starts. Generally, you should prune about 1-third of the old branches and stems each year. Cut away any dead or damaged wood to promote new growth. Remove any suckers and competing stems as well. It's also important to maintain a pleasing shape to your gardenia by removing any errant branches. Prune your gardenia just after flowering to maintain an attractive shape and to prevent overcrowded branches.


Starts Flowering

Gardenia jasminoides 'Crown Jewel' typically starts flowering in late spring, usually in May or June.

Starts Flowering

Gardenia jasminoides 'Crown Jewel' typically starts flowering in late spring, usually in May or June.

Harvest Fruit

Harvesting Gardenia jasminoides 'Crown Jewel' typically begins in June and continues through August.

Hardiness Map


Is the gardenia plant suitable for indoor or outdoor growing?

Gardenia plants are best suited for outdoor growing with morning sunshine and afternoon shade. They thrive in tropical and warm subtropical climates with frequent watering and well-draining soil. Those living in colder climates can grow gardenia indoors, but will require lots of extra care and attention. Plant your gardenia near a sunny, south-facing window to ensure plenty of light and consistent temperatures above 65F. A south-west-facing window is best, with east and west-facing windows as a secondary option. You should water your gardenia daily while maintaining humidity levels as high as possible.

Are gardenias tolerant of cold temperatures?

No; gardenias are not tolerant of cold temperatures. Gardenias need temperatures between 65-75°F (18-23°C) and will not survive temperatures that drop below freezing. Additionally, they should be protected from prolonged exposure to wind and rain, which can damage the sensitive leaves and flowers. If the temperatures in your area drop below 45°F (7°C), it is best to bring the gardenia indoors to protect it.

Should gardenias be planted in a particular season?

Gardenias should be planted in the early spring or late fall season when temperatures are mild. Gardenias prefer cooler temperatures for optimal growth and prefer to be planted in well-drained soil. In addition, they need to be planted in a spot that receives ample bright sunlight but is shielded from direct midday and afternoon sunlight. Finally, during the summer months, they need to be watered regularly and fertilized every two weeks.

Could gardenias be grown in containers?

Yes, gardenias can be successfully grown in containers! Container gardening is perfect for areas with limited space, or as an easy way to move the plants around to areas with more or less sunlight. When growing gardenias in containers, make sure to use a large one, close to 20 inches in diameter, with drainage holes and filled with potting mix. The container should be placed near a window that gets some direct sun, but it should also be protected from the wind. Deep waterings will be necessary in extremely hot, dry periods. Feed container gardenias every few weeks with a balanced fertilizer to encourage blooms. All in all, container gardening is a great way to enjoy gardenias, even if there's limited space.

Are gardenias self-pollinating?

No, gardenias are not self-pollinating. Gardenias require assistance from pollinators like bees to transport pollen from the male parts of one gardenia flower to the female parts of another. Without this help, it would be hard for some gardenia varieties to produce seed and fruit. As such, it is important that gardeners ensure their gardenia plants are in close proximity to bee-friendly flowers such as lavender for the best pollination and fruit yield.

Could gardenias be propagated from cuttings?

Yes, gardenias can be propagated from cuttings. This is typically done in late summer or fall when the new growth on gardenias has hardened off. Using a clean, sharp knife, cut 6-inch tip cuttings from the current season’s new growth. Remove any flowers and leaves from the lower half of the cuttings. Dip the cuttings in a rooting hormone then plant in a container filled with a soil-less potting mix. Care for the cuttings by providing indirect light and occasional misting. After a few months, you should be able to see signs of new growth and can then transplant your gardenia cuttings into a permanent location.

Are gardenias commonly used in landscaping?

Gardenias are beautiful flowering plants often used to line walkways and garden beds in landscaping designs. Gardenias produce white, fragrant flowers in the summer that attract pollinators and give a lovely fragrance in the garden. Gardenias are also deer and rabbit resistant, which makes them ideal for natural or low-maintenance landscaping where you'd like to control the wildlife. Lastly, gardenias are easy to care for, requiring regular watering and full sun or partial shade to thrive. Because of these characteristics, gardenias are quite often used in landscaping.