black-eyed Susan
Rudbeckia 'American Gold Rush'
Herbaceous Perennial
Hardiness Zone:
3 - 9
Yellow-gold Flowers
Full sun
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Black-eyed Susans should be watered once or twice a week, depending on the conditions in your area. In hot, dry areas, plants may need more frequent watering as much as daily or every other day to keep the soil moist. In cooler, lightly moist zones, this plant may need less water, with once a week being sufficient. Whenever watering, ensure the soil is saturated with enough water to reach the plant’s roots, and allow the water to drain fully. Do not let the soil become soaked or allow the plant to sit in standing water. Avoid overhead watering if possible to prevent fungal diseases.
Black-eyed Susan is an easy to grow perennial that does best in full sun. It grows best in well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 - 7.5. It prefers about 6 to 8 hours of sunlight each day, staggered throughout the day to prevent damage from excessive heat. In the summer, it prefers cooler temperatures with partial shade during the hottest hours of the day. In the winter, the plant may need a few hours of direct sunlight a day to survive if the temperature dips below freezing.
Black-eyed Susan (Rudbeckia 'American Gold Rush') should be pruned in late winter or early spring, just before new growth begins. Pruning will encourage healthy new growth, promote more blooms, and keep the plant from getting too spindly. To prune, remove dead or damaged stems and any excess twigs or branches. Trim any shoots of growth that appear too long or extend too far away from the main stem. If needed, lightly prune the shrub to the desired size and shape. Finally, tidy up the plant by removing any errant leaves.
Hardiness Map
Is Black-Eyed Susan a native plant?
Yes, Black-Eyed Susan is a native plant. It is native to the United States and Canada and is an annual wildflower found in grassy meadows, fields, and along roadsides. It is also known as the yellow ox-eye daisy and is most commonly found in the east side of the U.S.. It has a bright golden-yellow flower head and is one of the most common wildflowers in North America, blooming in the summer months of June to September. Black-Eyed Susan also attracts pollinators such as bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds.
Should Black-Eyed Susan flowers be deadheaded?
Yes, Black-Eyed Susan flowers should be deadheaded in order to keep them looking their best and promote a long blooming period. Deadheading is the process of removing faded flowers and spent seed heads from the plant. Doing this encourages the plant to produce more flowers and prevents it from focusing energy on producing seeds. Deadheading also helps to keep the plant looking bushy and prevents it from becoming leggy.
Are Black-Eyed Susan flowers suitable for cut arrangements?
Yes, Black-Eyed Susan flowers are a suitable choice for cut arrangements. They are a popular choice for providing bright, cheerful colour in gardens, and can be used indoors in floral arrangements. They are an easy to manage, low maintenance option given that they grow quickly without much fuss. The stunning daisy like flowers have a firm yet delicate texture, making them perfect for a wide range of uses. These beautiful and cheerful blooms can be used to brighten up any bouquet or centerpiece.
Do Black-Eyed Susan flowers require a trellis or support?
Black-eyed Susan flowers do not require a trellis or support as they have long, strong stems that can stand up on their own when mature. Furthermore, the strong stems and light flowers of the Black-eyed Susan make them one of the most wind-tolerant varieties of flower. However, if you do choose to support them with a trellis, they will likely need to be tied to the structure as their stems are quite flexible. Additionally, most trellises can help to encourage the tall, upright growth of these flowers.
Is Black-Eyed Susan a good choice for a butterfly garden?
Yes, Black-Eyed Susan (Rudbeckia hirta) is an excellent choice for a butterfly garden. Highly attractive to butterflies and other pollinators, the Black-Eyed Susan provides a food source and a landing pad for them. This perennial's bright yellow-orange flowerheads appear from midsummer into early fall, making for a highly attractive addition to a butterfly garden. The Black-Eyed Susan is low maintenance and requires minimal looking after, meaning it can be enjoyed without any worries of upkeep.
Are Black-Eyed Susan flowers invasive?
No, Black-Eyed Susan flowers are not considered an invasive species. They are native to North America and prefer to grow in full sun and soils with good drainage. They spread naturally by the seeds they drop, but they typically remain in the same area. Furthermore, they are easily managed and usually do not outcompete other native plants in their environment.
Should Black-Eyed Susan flowers be divided regularly?
Yes, Black-Eyed Susan flowers should be divided regularly. This will help to keep the flowers healthy and ensure they reach their full growth potential. By dividing the flowers every three to four years, it will encourage healthier root systems and help protect against overcrowding in the garden or flower bed. It will also keep the flowers looking their best and provide more blooms each year. Additionally, dividing the flowers will help to propagate more plants and create an even healthier garden.
Could Black-Eyed Susan flowers be grown from seeds?
Yes, Black-Eyed Susan flowers can be grown from seeds. Begin by choosing a spot with full sun and loamy soil, and prepare the soil with compost or fertilizer; if the soil structure is not ideal, you can amend it with some organic material. Sow the seeds either in the ground or in a container and cover them lightly with soil or potting mix. Keep them well watered and check for seedlings in one to two weeks. Grow the seedlings to the desired size and allow them to flower, usually in midsummer. This is a great way to create your own Black-Eyed Susan garden.