lydia genista
Genista lydia
Hardiness Zone:
Showy, White, Green, Yellow, Orange, Pink, Red, Brown, Bronze Flowers In Summer
Full sun
Fruits In Autumn Ready In
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Gazania (Gazania cv.) should be watered weekly in order to keep the soil moist, but not waterlogged. It is best to water deeply, providing enough water to reach the plant's roots. For best results, plants should be watered early in the morning so that any excess moisture can evaporate during the day. Avoid overhead watering which can lead to disease and insect infestations. Additionally, it is best to water your gazania directly onto the soil. If you water from above, it is important to ensure that the leaves do not get wet, as this can lead to fungal issues.
Gazania plants need at least 6 to 8 hours of direct, full sun each day in order for the plants to produce blooms. They should be planted in a sunny location, such as along a sunny wall, on the south side of a building, or in a bed with other plants that can provide shading in the late afternoon. During the summer months, when temperatures are highest and plants often struggle to survive in the heat, it’s important to give Gazania plants the full 8 hours of sun per day. During the fall and winter months, when temperatures are lower and there are less hours of sunlight, it’s still important to ensure the Gazania plant gets at least 6 hours of sunlight per day.
Gazania plants should be pruned once a year in late winter or early spring before new growth begins. Pruning helps to remove dead or damaged parts of the plant, as well as encouraging healthy new growth. The amount of pruning required for gazania varies depending on the size and type of the plant. Generally, around 1-third of the top growth should be removed to help promote fuller, healthier growth. For smaller plants, it may only be necessary to lightly trim back the leggy stems. Dead or damaged stems should also be removed at this time. When done correctly, pruning can help your Gazania plants look more attractive and have more blooms.