Hosta cvs.
Also Known As - plantain lilyCycle:
Herbaceous Perennial
Hardiness Zone:
Showy, Violet Flowers In Summer
part sun/part shade
Humus rich
Fruits Ready In
Growth Rate:
Halcyon hosta plants require regular watering. They should be watered deeply and evenly while they are actively growing, usually once every 1 to 2 weeks. During periods with minimal rainfall, water more frequently (every 4 to 7 days) so that their soil stays consistently moist but not soggy. As the weather cools in late summer, ease off on the amount of water given and avoid over-watering. Slow down your watering regime in the wintertime and water much less, if at all.
Halcyon hosta plants, a sun-loving species, require 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day. During the peak growing season from late spring to early summer, Halcyon hosta plants do best with around 6 hours of sunlight each day. When the weather is particularly hot, morning or late afternoon sun may be preferable. In winter, they should receive at least 4 hours of sunlight, preferably in bursts of 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the afternoon.
Halcyon hosta (Hosta 'Halcyon') should be pruned in late summer or early fall. Prune away any dead or unhealthy leaves and flower stalks to help the plant spread out and look its best. To maintain the desired size of the Halcyon hosta, remove any new shoots and foliage that appear outside the plant's desired shape. Be careful not to cuts too close to the hosta’s crown with your pruning shears. Halcyon hostas should not be pruned too aggressively, as they need some foliage in order to remain healthy. Pruning should be kept minimal and as light as possible to achieve the desired shape and size.