Species Two Headed Water Starwort

Two Headed Water Starwort

Callitriche heterophylla

Also Known As - Large Water Starwort
Two Headed Water Starwort (Callitriche heterophylla) is an aquatic or semi-aquatic perennial plant native to Europe, Asia and North America. It is an erect plant reaching 10-70cm in height with two headed spikes of small white flowers appearing in midsummer. It grows in shallow water or in wet soils and can be found in marshes, shorelines, ditches and other areas of standing water. The sessile, opposite leaves are linear and variable in size ranging from narrowly lance shaped to almost circular. This species is an excellent oxygenator for watersheds and fish habitats.




Division,Stem Propagation,Seed Propagation

Hardiness Zone:


full sun,part shade



Leaf Color:


Growth Rate:


Salt Tolerant:


Care Level:



Two Headed Water Starwort (Callitriche heterophylla) should be watered regularly, ideally 2 or 3 times per week. This plant prefers moist soil, so it is best to keep the soil moist but not saturated or soggy. However, it’s important to water this plant in moderation and avoid waterlogging, as this could lead to root rot. As a guide, water the plant until the soil is moist but not dripping wet. The best way to know if the soil needs to be watered is to use your finger to feel it - if it’s still a bit damp, wait a few more days before watering again. During the summer, the plant may require more frequent watering. If the temperatures reach 80°F or higher, it may be necessary to water more often to make sure the soil doesn’t dry out. In winter, watering can be reduced to about once a week.


Two headed water starwort (Callitriche heterophylla) needs several hours of direct sunlight each day, preferably 6 to 8 hours. The amount and duration of sunlight depends strongly on the season and climate. In summer months, when days are longest, the plant will likely require the full 8 hours of sun. In winter months, it should be exposed to at least 5 hours of direct sunlight each day. Moreover, the best time of the day for the plant to receive sun is during the morning hours, usually from 7 am until noon.


Two Headed Water Starwort (Callitriche heterophylla) typically does not need pruning to maintain its appearance. However, if you wish to help keep the plant within its desired shape, you can do so by pruning it after the blooming period in the late summer or fall. During this time, prune the stems that have gone beyond the desired size and shape by using a sharp pair of scissors or secateurs. Additionally, it is recommended to remove any dead, diseased or damaged growth as this can weaken the plant and reduce its aesthetic appeal. Prune the stems lightly to keep the growth in check and avoid causing too much damage to the plant. After pruning, be sure to discard any clippings as they can spread disease to other plants.