Willdenow's Sedge
Carex willdenowii
Hardiness Zone:
Green/Brown Flowers In Spring
Partial Shade
Humus Enriched
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
Willdenow's Sedge prefers consistently moist soils and should be watered as often as needed to keep the soil moist. It is important not to overwater this plant species. During the hot summer months, it may require daily watering in order to make sure the soil is staying moist. During the cooler fall and winter months, watering should be reduced to once every week or 2. Water generously and allow the soil to dry out slightly between waterings.
Willdenow's Sedge grows best in full sun to part shade, in moist soils. This plant species prefers soils with neutral to slightly acid pH levels of 6-7, but will tolerate a range of soils including boggy and wet soils. It should be exposed to at least 6-8 hours of direct sunlight a day. This can be increased to as much as 10-12 hours of direct sunlight during the peak summer months; however, too much sunlight can lead to sunburn in hot climates. Because Willdenow's Sedge prefers moist soil conditions, it is important to provide adequate water during dry periods, or plant in locations that provide some natural protection from the sun.
Willdenow's Sedge should typically be pruned once in the late summer or early fall. Pruning should involve removing dead, damaged, or diseased stems. Prunning should also include shortening any particularly long and unruly stems in order to maintain a neat and compact appearance. It is important to be sure to remove any older stems that have ceased flowering, as these will reduce the overall vigor of the plant. When pruning, it is important to avoid cutting the sedge's crown, as this can lead to long-term damage. If pruning is necessary, only remove a small portion of the stem that extends above the crown. It is also important not to harshly prune this species of sedge—care should be taken to avoid cutting healthy foliage or stems.