Chinese violet cress
Orychophragmus violaceus
Herbaceous Perennial
Hardiness Zone:
7 - 10
Violet Flowers
Full sun
Leaf Color:
Growth Rate:
Drought Tolerant:
Salt Tolerant:
Care Level:
For Chinese Violet Cress, it is important to water the plants sufficiently, but not too much, providing good drainage is also important. Water the soil when it is dry to the touch, about once a week. Over-watering can cause fungal disease and root rot. If your plant is in a pot, it is important to not let the plant sit in too much water. Make sure the pot has good drainage holes, and use either a pot that has a saucer for excess moisture to escape, or empty out any excess water from the saucer daily. If you are planting your Chinese Violet Cress in the ground, you should water it deeply but not as often. Watering deeply encourages the plant’s roots to grow further down into the soil where they can reach more moisture and nutrients. During the summer, a mature Chinese Violet Cress should be watered every 2 weeks to once a month, and twice a month during the spring and fall, but this may vary depending on your climate. In the winter, your plant will not need as much water.
Chinese violet cress (Orychophragmus violaceus) needs indirect light for most of the day and direct sunlight for about 2-4 hours. When grown outdoors, be sure that the plant is not in direct sunlight during the hottest and brightest days in summer. When grown indoors, a south or west-facing window should be chosen. Exposure to direct sunlight should be limited to 2-4 hours, and be sure that the sunlight is not too strong. Plant will benefit from full or partial shade that can be provided by trees, shrubs or other buildings. During the winter months when shorter days and less sunlight, be sure to move the plant closer to the window to get more light. It is best to provide moderate and consistent levels of light throughout the day for this species.
Pruning Chinese violet cress plants (Orychophragmus violaceus) should be done annually to keep them healthy and looking their best. The best time to prune is in spring, just before the plant begins to flower. Pruning should be done with a pair of sharp bypass shears, and should remove any dead, diseased, or broken stems or foliage. Focus on cutting out older stems and foliage, as these are less likely to re-sprout and flower than younger foliage. Prune only the stems and foliage that need to be cut, and take care not to over prune the plants. When finished, lightly sprinkle a non-burning fertilizer, such as fish emulsion, over the soil around the plants to help promote new growth.